Value FOR Value

Mike's Music Method runs on the value for value model (v4v).

There is no paywall to access my tabs and tutorials. I want as many people as possible to become great guitarists.

So I provide value by bringing my talent, time, and treasure to the table: transcribing the songs, providing the tabs, and making clear, concise, inspiring, and dare I say HILARIOUS video tutorials for the songs.

I simply ask for you to return my value with some of yours. Ideally this is a monthly recurring donation, but it could also be your talent (lighting tips, providing feedback), a lovely email, or spreading the channel.

This model only works if those getting value from the channel are willing to give some value back. So please consider support. Buy me some time to keep cranking out the excellent content! 

​The beauty of the v4v model is that my content remains accessible to anyone with access to a computer. Anyone in a financially tight situation can still access this great content and inspiration free of charge. It also eliminates as many middle men as possible. And it empowers the listener (you!) to determine how much MMM is worth.

Ways you can support

Inquire about lessons or tell me a joke

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